I've had a few really great days this week and now today I feel horrible. I know if I don't push myself to do anything I would just laze the day away. Maybe it's because I've strayed from what I call my Spartan diet. I have had some sweet things in the evenings.
My blood test results this month are TSH 2.31 mu/l (ref range 0.27 -4.2)
T4 17 pmol/l (ref range 10-24)
T3 4.4 pmol/l (ref range 2.8-7.11)
Not brilliant but could be a lot worse. I'm hoping all the vitamins I've been taking will help. My weight has steadied and considering I've had over a week of not eating properly I'm not unhappy. I'm carrying nearly 4 lb extra but as it's also my period week I'm not unhappy. Though my guts are telling they aren't happy!!
So, today I'm back on the wagon so to speak. Going to make sure I drink plenty of water this weekend to help flush my system.
Anyways back to spring cleaning the house. It's the kitchen's turn to get pulled apart today.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
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