Laughter is definitely the best.......
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Me muttering on, with a dodgy accent, in a country I wasn't raised and educated in but where I pay my taxes. Obessed with my two dogs....not so bothered by the 5 cats though which is wierd as I used to be a major cat fan (for those who know me you can stop laughing now!)
Laughter is definitely the best.......
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My mood is fairly light and easy going. Though I know if someone where to wind me up it wouldn't last. My memory is getting better as is my deductive reasoning. Though for some reason I seem to be thinking about things like a jigsaw. Everything must have corners and the outer edges will be straight. Normally I'm quite a random throw things in the air and see what happens sort of person. I'm warming to this logical approach.
I still feel really cold. This I find annoying as I used to wander round I T shirt and shorts even in the middle of winter. I still have aches and pains but these seem to be when I wake up in the morning and when I get tired. Whereas before I used to chew painkillers I've managed to go weeks without having any. I think what causes most of my aches is my guts not working properly. I'm working on this and it can takes weeks to get them back to normal after a rough patch of constipation.
I've been reading more about conversion of T4 to T3 and I think this is one of my issues. From what I have read I need to take selenium. Or eat Brazil nuts. Will start this after my next blood test,which is next week, and see if it makes a difference.
I still get the odd bout of shakieness and feeling sick but I think part of that is brought on by anxiety. So I'm going to have to learn to stop worrying about what hasn't happened yet.
Hope your all enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend.
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Ok so I zonked last night before the end of The Apprentice. I woke up to the news and a story about puppies needing to be rehomed only told be told no by the other half...jez I hadn't even got that far in the thought process. We had good news lay night my sister, who's faithful dog died a few weeks ago, had the urge to go to a dog rescue. She visited left and basked her eyes out (the crying is a family trait). Then went back and adopted a beautiful puppy.
Ok so food wise what I do wrong yesterday. I didn't eat enough to start with. A packet of doritos for lunch isn't acceptable. I also and some dark chocolate last night. It was Green & Blacks so I thought it wouldn't hurt. Well will make sure I eat better today.
My mind us feeling sparkly and I got energy. I was up at 6 this am and I logged onto work and cracked on with a bit. I'm at meetings this morning so it was good to get some routine admin done. I'm also in a learning mood.
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