Sunday, 1 April 2012

Stress and Changes

About 9 weeks ago I made a conscious effort to change diet. I am now on a low GI diet. (and yes I do fall of the wagon at weekends but not to excess) I also got help with researching what supplements I should be taking to keep the hypothyroidism in check.

The effects...I feel better in many ways. I have lost nearly 11lb in weight. Which makes it nearly a steady 2lb a week which I believe is the healthiest approach. My tiredness is now manageable and for the most part I have my sleep well managed. The biggest at the moment is internal shaking and the feeling of wanting to vomit. The aid for that is its seems Milk Thistle. I also need to balance my hormones a bit more so from tomorrow I well be introducing Flax Seed Oil and St John's Wort into the mix. My guts unfortunatley are not doing so well. I'm visiting the doctor again tomorrow to see if there's anything more I can do.

I've worked out that stress is a major contributor to my thyroid levels going topsy tervy. I believe the extra stress began in 2009 and got progressively worse. I do also think the increase in stress contributed to my normally sensible thoughts going all over the shop. This is now coming back to what I think are normal.

The other annoying thing is people don't get this condition/disease. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. However, with decent support and a medical know it all to ask stupid questions life is returning to normal. I have learned a lot about myself and how not to let people push my buttons. I have the urge to go and do some utterly different things. One is to pump the tyres on my bike. Being about 2 stone lighter than when I last rode it I'm hoping I will be able to give Chris Boardman a race. Ok, well maybe not....I don't keep my legs as hair free as he does.

1 comment:

  1. Medical know it all!!! Nice to know am useful for somat :P
