Tuesday, 5 November 2013

A few weeks on

Ok, here I am sitting on a train bored out of my skull. The train is just sitting outside East Croydon with no announcements being made. No sense in wasting the time so here's a catch up.

I haven't had anything back from the health detectives yet. I did however have a humble pie phone call from my doctor. My vitamin d levels are seriously low. Cue 6 weeks of 50,000 ius once a week. So far so good.
A lot of the symptoms have cleared.

My mind is feeling nicely chilled and far I say it wanting a little bit of a challenge. A very good sign. The anxiety has cleared and my good humour is at a dangerously high level. The Mrs has threatened to with draw the tablets!

On the work front. Still don't know if I have a permanent job yet. It will be sorted out in another 4 weeks time. It will either be a good Christmas or not.
Ah, I intend to have nearly two weeks off so it will be good regardless.

The gluten free eating continues.
I think this is probably the best decision made this year. I'm enjoying playing with food and testing different recipes and flavours.

The dogs are doing well and Jack the cat seems to be thriving on the dogs diet. Yes, he has his own food but he quite happily steals the dogs. Cue image of 8 month old kitten taking food from the dog bowl with the 40kg dog watching.

Life is good and I can see it getting even better

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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Dear Blog,

Dear Blog,

It's been awhile. I'm not sure why but I think I had my head turned by a saucy minx called 'Twitter'. Admittedly, I linked my twitter updates to your good self however I don't think it's done the same job.

As usual I feel the need to write when my head isn't where I think it should be. Don't worry I'be checked it is still attached to my body via my neck!

So what has been happening. I now realise where I should and want to be living. Health wise I would thrive but at the moment it's not financially possible. I find out this week if I have a permanent job with a department I've been happy working in for the last 18 months or so. I think I will be heartbroken to leave but as they say its good to love and leave.

My GP (doctor), in my opinion, is being a knob. Yes, a technical term but as a good lesbian I feel it's the most appropriate word to use to describe how I feel. He used to be great but now he's a standard go by the book and numbers sort of bloke. He whined about the cost of tests. Given I work and pay my national insurance and taxes I think it's a fair expectation for the NHS to help keep me doing such.

His diagnosis is I have depression and anxiety issues. Ok, the anxiety is a bit high at the moment but that's to be expected given the job situation. Being hypothyroid and having taken ownership of my condition means I know when I'm not right. What was his answer I need to work out until it hurts and he reckons I won't like it. Exercise doesn't scare me. Some pain is good and I'm fairly active as it is. So, I'll up my game a bit.

I've also taken a chance and sent hair samples to be checked by 'the health detectives'. They've been recommended and I'm thinking every little helps. I should get something back in a couple of weeks.

Is that enough nuzzling to rekindle our relationship diary...I don't know but I will make a bit if effort and we will see where it goes.

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Tuesday, 23 April 2013