Saturday, 5 November 2011

And its Saturday....

..woo hoo Hera woke me up way to early. She was also bouncy and wanting company. Jumping on the bed (Hera not me!)and waking the mrs up wasn't a great idea. So, if a fit of nervous panic I said c'mon we'll take the dogs over the field for a walk. Instead the mrs says nah lets take them to the woods for a proper walk.

Eventually, Mrs got up (I've never known someone take so long to get up) and off we went. Within a couple of minute Mrs has seen 3 deer. I missed them cause was mucking about with the dogs lead. The dogs tend to ignore the wildlife so any passing squirrels, rabbits or deer are left to take things at their own speed. We met a couple of horses and riders too. We're good dog walkers, we get the dogs to stand to one side and let whoever it is walk by. I make a point of saying hello and if we get a friendly response then the dogs are even more chilled.

The woods were a bit muddy and yes the dogs managed to find a few puddles. We met a bloke who just popped out from the trees. Bit wierd, I had sensed someone was there so got hold of Juno. As the chap was happy and friendly Juno made a cursory bark and let him get on with it.

We also met a couple of lads on bikes. I'm sure they weren't meant to be in the woods. Must admit I wouldn't have minded having a go on the scramblers. Ah joys of wishful thinking in old age.

On a more serious note. Today I heard someone commited suicide, from another of our work buildings, by jumping from a blacony. It happened during the day in front of people who were woring there. Scary stuff. bad enough seeing the people who get hits by cars etc crossing the lights in front of our building. I know things are rough for people at the moment but its horrible to thing someone felt that low and powerless.

Back to our saturday evening. Homemade KFC, chunky chips and a milkshake. Yum Yum

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