Wednesday, 17 August 2011

What have I been doing?!

Not a lot is the answer......walking the dogs on the beach. Which has led to trying to figure out how to stop Juno being such a grumpy/protective git. I've dug out the dog whistle and its seems to have the same effect as his vibrating collar. So we shall see. But just in case I'll be taking his muzzle with us next time we go out.

I've discovered the joys of a local meat wholesaler. Lovely meat at reasonable prices. We're still going to the farm shop but for the run of the mill week day dinners you don't really want to be spending loads.

We've decided to have a change of lifestyle and start eating healthier. Its hard!! But I've discovered a vegetarian shop at the bottom of Waterloo 'High Street' that does the most delicious salads. I've tried to other local to work cafes salads but they aint as good. The excellent salad even had pink grapefruit in it and I enjoyed it.....noting I hate grapefruit.

Glad everything seems to be getting back to normal in London again. Was horrible seeing empty streets and seeing shops close so early in the day.

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